This week's spelling list consists of words that have the letters "ought" and "ound". We will also revisit using context clues to determine the meanings of unknown words. The vocabulary focus will be on various types of figurative language. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 5/10.

Reading- Unit 2 - "Journeys" - A Poetic Journey
We will begin a novel study of the book Love that Dog, by Sharon Creech. Love that Dog is a free verse poem written in a diary format. It is written from the perspective of a young boy who resists poetry assignments from his teacher. Throughout his journey, he learns to appreciate, and to even enjoy, the art of poetry. As we read this book, we will continue to examine the literary elements of poetry, and students will create their own poetry book.
English - Poetry
Students will complete the Southwest portion of the U.S. Map, and we will begin our study of the last region, The West.
Science - Energy Conversions
Students will continue to gather evidence in preparation for our Town Meeting which is scheduled for the week of 5/13.
Students will continue to gather evidence in preparation for our Town Meeting which is scheduled for the week of 5/13.
Our final unit will begin with a look at partial products, partial quotients, and equivalent ratios.
MAP testing for math will be on Wednesday, 5/8.
5/7 & 8 - MAP Tests
5/17 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:00
5/27 - Memorial Day - No School
6/5 - Last Day of School
5/7 & 8 - MAP Tests
5/17 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:00
5/27 - Memorial Day - No School
6/5 - Last Day of School
It was simply a joy to watch students interact with the residents on our field trip to Oak Trace. I'm certain that many buckets were overflowing that morning! Enjoy the photos...
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