
Words on this week's list will include the prefixes pre-, re- and mis-. We will study the definitions of these prefixes and how they change the meaning of the root word that they are attached to. The final TEST is scheduled for THURSDAY, 10/25.

Reading - Unit 1 - "Courage"
We will be digging into an excerpt from Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream Speech". Students will use their close reading skills in the whole group and with partners to interpret the message, language, vocabulary, and perspective of the piece.
We will complete our study of the Narragansett People with a small project titled "The Narragansett Village", which will be due on 10/25. Students will draw a model of what a Narragansett village of the past would look like based on what we have studied about their culture. Look for the project description sheet to come home on Monday.
There is also an open note/book QUIZ on the Narragansett scheduled for 10/24.
Below are some photos from this week's writers' workshop in which students used "whisper readers" as a tool in the editing process. Be sure to ask your child about he/she used the tool while editing his/her NE Descriptive writing project.
Our Science unit this year revolves around energy conversions. Students will learn about how energy is converted from one form to another, how it can be transferred from place to place, and the variety of energy sources that exist. Throughout the unit, they will take on the role of systems engineers for Ergstown, a fictional town that experiences frequent blackouts. They will explore the reasons why an electrical system may fail and make discoveries about the way electrical systems work. Then, they will apply what they have learned as they choose new energy sources and converters for the town, using evidence to explain why their choices will make the electrical system more reliable. This unit has a number of sessions that will take us well into 2019.
A CHECKPOINT is scheduled for Monday, 10/22. Students should review their spiral notes and homework sheets to prepare for the checkpoint.
Our focus this week will continue to be on finding a better buy and the relationship between fractions and ratios. Look for another fraction checkpoint to be scheduled the week of 10/29.
I wanted to share this photo of student work that shows the four strategies for adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators that we have studied. These strategies include the Double-Number line (or as we like to call it the Dazzling, Delightful Definitely NOT Dreaded Double-Number Line), the money method, the clock method and finding common denominators. Be sure to ask your child if he/she can explain each of the four methods and how one chooses which method to use.
10/26- No School - Conferences
10/29 - No School - Teachers' Institute
The Halloween celebration will be on Wednesday, 10/31. Students will change into their costumes at 12:45, and the parties will begin at 1:00. The traditional PV parade will begin at 1:55. Students must be able to put on their Halloween costume in 5-10 minutes by themselves. Fourth grade will have designated classrooms for girls to change in and for boys. They will NOT be allowed to change in the bathroom. No props that resemble a weapon should be brought to school. THANK YOU to all the parents who are helping to make this a special afternoon for our classroom!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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