This week's list contains words that have the letter combinations "ei" and "ie". We will study the rule for spelling these words. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 11/10.
Reading - Unit 1 - "Courage"

Science - "What are Some Life Cycles of Plants?"
We will begin a new unit that focuses on life cycles of plants and animals in Science. Students will complete an investigation that answers the question "Do plants need light to germinate?" We will also take a look at the process of photosynthesis.
We will begin a new unit that focuses on life cycles of plants and animals in Science. Students will complete an investigation that answers the question "Do plants need light to germinate?" We will also take a look at the process of photosynthesis.
Mr. Dunning's and Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 2 - Adding & Subtracting Fractions
Fraction story problems will be our focus as we near the end of Unit 2. The Unit 2 TEST is scheduled for 11/9. Students can look through their notes, previous homework assignments as well as their math spiral in order to prepare.
FYI - We will be spending some time this week as a class learning about the importance of Veteran's Day. We will finish the week with a school-wide assembly to honor our veterans. Thank you to all who have served!
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