This week's list will consist of homographs. Homographs are two or more words that are spelled the same but have different meaning and sometimes different pronunciations. For example, the word pitcher is a homograph. A pitcher is a player who delivers the ball to a batter or a large container with a handle used for holding and pouring liquids. The final TEST for the homograph lesson will be on Friday, 12/1.
ELA / Reading - Unit 1 - "Courage"
Students will be completing "Gloria Estefan: A Star with a Heart" newspaper article which is due on 11/28. We will begin our study of Greek Mythology with a look at the myth of Hercules. We will study the characteristics of myths and how Hercules shows courage.
In English, we will continue the study of capitalization and punctuation with a look at comma usage and quotation marks.
Social Studies - The chapter 6 TEST is scheduled for Wednesday, 11/29. A study guide was sent home with your child on 11/21.

Social Studies - The chapter 6 TEST is scheduled for Wednesday, 11/29. A study guide was sent home with your child on 11/21.
Science - "Life Cycles of Animals"
We will be completing the life cycle of plants. Students will complete a take-home QUIZ on Chapter 2 / Lesson 2 in science on Tuesday, 11/29. Then we will focus on life cycles of animals.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 3 - Place Value & Decimals
We will be completing the life cycle of plants. Students will complete a take-home QUIZ on Chapter 2 / Lesson 2 in science on Tuesday, 11/29. Then we will focus on life cycles of animals.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 3 - Place Value & Decimals
Comparing, ordering and rounding decimals will fill our time for the next two weeks. We will also take a look at fraction/decimal equivalencies and decimals on a number line. A CHECKPOINT on decimal place value is scheduled for 11/30.
12/5 - Early Dismissal
12/5 - Early Dismissal
12/22 - Winter Break begins
Mrs. Karen Bell and Mr. Scott Dunning