Words that end in "-el", "-al" and "-le" are on the list this week. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 3/24.

Reading- Unit 2 - "Journeys" - The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
Students will take an open book QUIZ on chapters 7-10 of the novel on Wednesday, 3/22. They will also read & discuss a Time for Kids magazine whose main article takes a look at a NASA engineer who designs spacesuits for future missions. The comprehension QUIZ on the TFKk is scheduled for Friday, 3/24.
English- Explanatory Writing
Proofreading and revising the hero essay are on the list for this week. Students will type and submit their final drafts on 3/23
Social Studies - The Midwest - Bountiful Midwest Farms
The chapter 8 TEST is scheduled for Monday, 3/20. A study guide was sent home for the test. Students should review their textbooks, notes and workbook pages to prepare for the test. We will also spend some time studying the Ojibwa, which is the Native American group for the region.
Science - Invention Convention
Look for INVENTION CONVENTION information to come home on Monday. Students will be asked to think of a problem that they have in their life, and to design, create & present an invention that will solve the problem. The invention proposal, or "contract" will be due on Thursday, 3/23. The final product is due on 4/25.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 6 - Graphing, Geometry & Volume
The Graphing Patterns CHECKPOINT is scheduled for Monday, 3/20. We will then switch gears and look at the characteristics and classification of triangles and quadrilaterals.
Below are photos of students working with Unifix cubes to investigate patterns. After defining the pattern, they developed an equation and graphed it.
Author Allan Woodrow visited PV on 3/16. Among his many books is the novel Class Dismissed, which we read as a read aloud story earlier this year. His advice to students on how to become good writers follows 3 steps: 1. Practice 2. Read 3. Revise. Sounds like good advice to me! Below are some photos of Mr. Woodrow addressing the 4th-grade class:
3/27 - 3/31 - No School - Spring Break
Mrs. Karen Bell
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