elling - Unit 16 - Greek Roots
This week's list includes words with the Greek Roots micro, mega, hydro, astro, hydra and path. Students will study the meaning of these roots and words that contain them. The final TEST for this lesson will be on Friday, 1/13.

This week's list includes words with the Greek Roots micro, mega, hydro, astro, hydra and path. Students will study the meaning of these roots and words that contain them. The final TEST for this lesson will be on Friday, 1/13.
ELA / Reading - Unit 1 - Lou Gehrig
Students will take the comprehension and vocabulary QUIZ for Lou Gehrig on Thursday, 1/12. The comprehension portion of the quiz will be open book. Students should review the word work on Google Classroom and the text dependent questions from the story to help them prepare for the quiz. We will also close read Gehrig's farewell speech. On Friday, we will introduce the culminating project for the courage unit, titled "Profile in Courage". Your child will research a historical figure who showed courage, create a slide presentation that will be turned into a "flip" book and present his/her project to the class. Step 1 will be to choose a person from a list that will be sent home on Friday, 1/13.
In English, we will continue the study of capitalization and punctuation with a look at comma usage and quotation marks.
Social Studies - The Southeast / The Cherokee
The long awaited Southeast Feast has been rescheduled for this week. It will be followed by a look at the culture of the Cherokee, the Native Americans of the SE.
The long awaited Southeast Feast has been rescheduled for this week. It will be followed by a look at the culture of the Cherokee, the Native Americans of the SE.
This week in math we will focus on multiplication relationships, fractions as operators and the over/under strategy. Be sure to ask your child to describe the multiplication strategies that we have learned so far in Unit 4. The first checkpoint for Unit 4 is tentatively scheduled for the week of 1/16.
1/16 - No School - Martin Luther King Day.
1/16 - No School - Martin Luther King Day.
MAP testing is scheduled for the week of 1/9. Students in fourth grade will the reading test in their homeroom on Tuesday, 1/10 and the math test in their math classroom on Wednesday, 1/11. Please see that your child comes to school well rested and with a fully charged Chromebook on those days. Thank you!
Mrs. Karen Bell
Thanks for your offer, but I will be providing snacks and mints for the students.