
Words on this week's list will include the prefixes pre-, re- and mis-. We wills study the definitions of these prefixes and how they change the meaning of the root word that they are attached to. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 10/28.

Reading - Unit 1 - "Courage"
We will be digging into an excerpt from Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream Speech". Students will use their close reading skills in the whole group and with partners to interpret the message, language, vocabulary, and perspective of the piece.
Science - The Scientific Method / "How Are Animals Classified?"
The Scientific Method QUIZ is scheduled for Tuesday, 10/25. Students will be allowed to use their notes and textbooks as a resource while taking the quiz. The next unit in Science will be "How are Animals Classified?".The photos below are from a STEM activity that challenged students to make the longest paper chain possible using one piece of construction paper, scissors, and glue. The conclusion that we reached was that the paper had to be cut in long thin strips in order to make the longest chain.
This past week, students worked with partners to model fractions of a trail to solve a problem. Below are some pictures of the mathematicians collaborating and problem solving.
HOMEROOM parents...Fall conferences are scheduled for November 1st and 2nd. If you haven't scheduled a conference yet, please click on the link below to select a time. Thanks!
Enjoy the weekend...Go Cubbies!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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