Highlights for the Week of 5/16/2016
in Mrs. Bell 's Classroom
Spelling - Prefixes: un-, non-, dis-

Reading - Journey to America
Students have worked together in small groups to prepare presentations about the book If Your Name was Changed at Ellis Island. Each group was given a section of the book. They will teach their classmates about what they learned about immigration. Next week we will finish the book as a whole group.
Social Studies - The West
The economy of the West region will be our focus next week. The chapter 12 TEST is tentatively scheduled for 5/14.
Thank you Lexie for sharing pictures of your vacation to the states in the west. This picture of Old Faithful brought the words we read to life! |
Science - How do Simple Machines Help People Work?
How do levers make our work easier? This is the question we will investigate in science. Students will participate in several hands-on activities that will test their hypotheses about levers.
We had a marvelous time at the "Dig It" in school field trip. Below are some photos of our young scientists "panning" for minerals and testing their characteristics...
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 6 - Graphing, Geometry & Volume
We have had a fabulous work exploring patterns and graphing on the coordinate grid. Students worked in pairs to build on patterns using Omnifix cubes. Then they translated the pattern to a series of ordered pairs to graph on a coordinate grid. Ask your child to explain the difference between a linear and a nonlinear pattern on the coordinate grid. Below are some pictures of students building patterns with partners...
Don't Forget...
5/30 - No School - Memorial Day
We have had a fabulous work exploring patterns and graphing on the coordinate grid. Students worked in pairs to build on patterns using Omnifix cubes. Then they translated the pattern to a series of ordered pairs to graph on a coordinate grid. Ask your child to explain the difference between a linear and a nonlinear pattern on the coordinate grid. Below are some pictures of students building patterns with partners...
Next week's lessons will focus on classifying quadrilaterals and triangles. A CHECKPOINT is scheduled for Monday, 5/16.
Thank you to Scotty and his family for winning my PTO auction item. The math class was treated to an ice cream party and movie at lunch on 5/12. So much fun...
5/30 - No School - Memorial Day
Mrs. Karen Bell
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