Highlights for the Week of 4/11/2016
in Mrs. Bell 's Classroom

This week's lesson will contain three syllable words. The final test will be on THURSDAY, 4/14. Cursive & Google Classroom activities are also due that day.

Reading - A Poetic Journey
We will begin a novel study of the book Love that Dog, by Sharon Creech. Love that Dog is a free verse poem written in a diary format. It is written from the perspective of a young boy who resists poetry assignments from his teacher. Throughout his journey, he learns to appreciate, and to even enjoy, the art of poetry. As we read this book, we will continue to examine the literary elements of poetry, and students will create their own poetry book.
Students will be given a Time for Kids magazine on Monday. The main article of the magazine focuses on how to include insects (!!!) in a healthy diet. The comprehension quiz will be taken HOME to complete this week, and is due on Thursday, 4/14.
Social Studies - The Southwest
The Southwest map QUIZ is scheduled for 4/13. Lessons 2 and 3 of this chapter center around the climate and resources of the Southwest. At the end of the week, we will begin a technology project for the SW region. Students will create a travel brochure for a state. We will work on the brochure in school, but they will be expected to work on it at home as well. Look for the project description and rubric to come home on Friday. The project will be completed in Google Classroom.
Science - How Does Your Body Get Oxygen & Nutrients?
Due to PARCC testing, Science is on "hold" this week. We will resume our study of the human body the week of 4/18. Just a REMINDER that the INVENTION is due on 4/26.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 5 - Multiplication & Division of Fractions
A CHECKPOINT on multiplication of fractions is scheduled for Thursday, 4/14. We will also focus on multiplying fractions with fluency and review division of larger numbers.
Don't Forget...
4/13 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:30
A CHECKPOINT on multiplication of fractions is scheduled for Thursday, 4/14. We will also focus on multiplying fractions with fluency and review division of larger numbers.
Don't Forget...
4/13 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:30
During the weeks of 4/11 and 4/18, students will be taking the PARCC test. Please see that your child comes to school well rested and having eaten a healthy breakfast. Fourth-grade testing begins at 8:20, so there is no time to eat a snack before the tests begin.Thank you for your support!
Our classroom motto for the PARCC test is, "Do Your Best!". Please reinforce this idea at home with your child. There is no need to be anxious about the exam. We have practiced and are well prepared to take it!
4/12/16 - PARCC test - ELA #1
4/13/16 - PARCC test - ELA #2
4/15/16 - PARCC test - ELA #3
4/19/16 - PARCC test - Math #1
4/20/16 - PARCC test - Math #2
4/21/16 - PARCC test - Math #3
4/22/16 - PARCC test - Math #4
4/13/16 - PARCC test - ELA #2
4/15/16 - PARCC test - ELA #3
4/19/16 - PARCC test - Math #1
4/20/16 - PARCC test - Math #2
4/21/16 - PARCC test - Math #3
4/22/16 - PARCC test - Math #4
Mrs. Karen Bell
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