Highlights for the Week of 3/21/2016
in Mrs. Bell 's Classroom

The final test for this week's lesson will be on THURSDAY, 3/24. Cursive & Google Classroom activities are also due that day.

Reading - Journeys Unit
We are all sad to say goodbye to our friend Edward Tulane. I was amazed and impressed by the insights and ideas shared by the students as we read this novel. Their reading skills have grown by leaps and bounds since the beginning of the year. This week we will visit with another rabbit, namely The Velveteen Rabbit. We will close read the text and then compare and contrast the journey of this rabbit in this short story with Edward Tulane. After Spring Break we will begin our poetry unit which includes another favorite novel, Sharon Creech's Love That Dog.
Social Studies - The Midwest - "Just Look" book Project
The "Just Look" book project presentation is due on Wednesday, 3/23. Students will be given class time on Monday to continue working on the slide show, but they should expect to work on it at home as well. The next unit that we will study in Social Studies is The Ojibwa, the Native American group of the Midwest. We will begin that unit the week of 4/4.Science - How Does Your Body Get Oxygen & Nutrients?

Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 5 - Multiplication & Division of Fractions
Students will take a CHECKPOINT that covers multiplication of whole numbers and fractions on Tuesday, 3/22. We will also begin exploring multiplication of fractions by fractions.
"Work Places" is an activity in math in which students play games that reinforce skills that we are learning in class. Below are photos of your children participating in last week's Work Places session.
Students will take a CHECKPOINT that covers multiplication of whole numbers and fractions on Tuesday, 3/22. We will also begin exploring multiplication of fractions by fractions.
"Work Places" is an activity in math in which students play games that reinforce skills that we are learning in class. Below are photos of your children participating in last week's Work Places session.

3/25 - Spring break begins
4/4 - School resumes after Spring break
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