Highlights for the Week of 2/15/2016
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

This week's spelling lesson will focus on words that end with the suffixes "-ed" & "-ing". Cursive pages & Google Classroom activities are due on Friday, 2/19. The final test for the lesson will also be that day.
Reading - Journeys Unit
Our focus will continue to be a close read of an excerpt from The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. Close reading is thoughtful, critical analysis of a text that focuses on significant details or patterns in order to develop a deep, precise understanding of the text’s form, craft, meanings, etc. Students will be writing a response to the text in their "Reader's Response Journal" at the end of the week.
English - Adjectives
Adjectives are words that describe nouns. They answer the questions "What kind?" & "How many?". We will review the use of adjectives with particular attention to ordering them when multiples are being used.
Social Studies - The Midwest
We will begin our study of The Midwest by creating a map of the region. Look for a QUIZ on the map to be scheduled the week of 2/22.
The chapter 3 TEST is scheduled for Tuesday, 2/16. A study guide was sent home with your child. The notes and textbook are the best resources to use when preparing for the test.
Mrs. Bell 's Math Class - Unit 4 - Multiplication & Division of Whole Numbers & Decimals

A multiplication CHECKPOINT is scheduled for Wednesday, 2/18. We will complete our study of multiplication strategies with a look at the over & under strategy and drawing arrays for partial products.
Lily & Maya are our official "greeters" for math. Everyday, they write a message to incoming students as they settle into the classroom.
Don't Forget...
Happy Valentine's Day!
Mrs. Karen Bell
Don't Forget...
- Fri 2/12 No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Mon 2/15 No School - Presidents Day
- Tues 2/16 & Wed 2/17 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 3-6pm
- Thurs 2/18 - Spring Picture Day
- Thurs 3/3 - Panther Palooza
- Fri 3/4 - No school - County Institute Day
Happy Valentine's Day!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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