Highlights for the Week of 2/29/2016
in Mrs. Bell 's Classroom

The final test for this week's lesson will be on THURSDAY, 3/3. Cursive & Google Classroom activities are also due that day.

Reading - Journeys Unit
We will continue our study of the novel, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. The Vocabulary in Context QUIZ is scheduled for Monday, 2/29. s. We will also take a look at the poem The Falling Star, and discuss the similarity in theme between the two texts. Students will also respond in their journals to prompts about how Edward is beginning to change as the story progresses.
Social Studies - The Midwest - Bountiful Midwest Farms
Our focus in social studies this week will be how agriculture contributes to the economy of the Midwest. The chapter 8 test in Social Studies is tentatively scheduled for the week of 3/7.
Science - How Does Your Body Get Oxygen & Nutrients?
Our study of the human body continues with a look at digestion. Students will learn the name and function of each organ in the digestive system. A QUIZ on the names of the organs in the digestive system is scheduled for 3/8.
Don't Forget...
3/1 - CAP (Child Assault Prevention) / Erin's Law Presentation in Mrs. Bell's Classroom
3/3 - Panther-Palooza
A team of educators from the YWCA will be making a presentation about Child Assault Prevention to our class on 3/1. The focus of the presentation is keeping our children "Save, Strong and Free". Be sure to ask your child what he/she learned from the program. A parent information night for this event was held on 2/2.
Mrs. Karen Bell
Our focus in social studies this week will be how agriculture contributes to the economy of the Midwest. The chapter 8 test in Social Studies is tentatively scheduled for the week of 3/7.
Science - How Does Your Body Get Oxygen & Nutrients?
Our study of the human body continues with a look at digestion. Students will learn the name and function of each organ in the digestive system. A QUIZ on the names of the organs in the digestive system is scheduled for 3/8.
The Multiplication Algorithm CHECKPOINT is scheduled for Wednesday, 3/2. We will begin the final module in unit 4 with a look at how to estimate and check and how to multiply to divide.
Don't Forget...
3/3 - Panther-Palooza
A team of educators from the YWCA will be making a presentation about Child Assault Prevention to our class on 3/1. The focus of the presentation is keeping our children "Save, Strong and Free". Be sure to ask your child what he/she learned from the program. A parent information night for this event was held on 2/2.
Mrs. Karen Bell