Highlights for the Week
of 12/7/15 in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

The final test for this lesson will be on Friday, 12/11. Spelling homework on Google Classroom and cursive pages are also due that day.
The first task that students will complete this week will be to write a response that compares and contrasts Gloria Estefan with the goddess Athena. They both showed courage. Students will write about how the two women showed courage in ways that were the same, and how they showed courage in ways that were different. We will finish the week with the introduction of the Hercules Labors Project. Students will be creating a slide presentation that focuses on one of the 12 labors of Hercules. Some students will work in pairs, and others will work individually. Presentations will take place the week of 12/14.
Below are some photos of student collaboration on comprehension questions for The Myth of Arachne & Athena...
Social Studies - The Southeast
The next stop in our journey across the United States is the Southeast region. On Tuesday, students will create a map of the Southeast that includes the states and water areas. We will continue with a study of the Southeast's geography and how it changes from the coast to the mountains. A map QUIZ is tentatively scheduled for 12/14.
Science - Chapter 2 - "Life Cycles"
The chapter 2 TEST is scheduled for Tuesday, 12/8. Study guides were sent home on 12/4. Tests in science are not open note/book. We will also begin a lab activity in which students test the question, "Do plants grow better in soil or sand?". They will follow the Scientific Method by making a hypothesis, following the procedure, making observations & collecting data, and finally drawing conclusions and reporting the results.
rs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 3 - Place Value & Decimals
The new unit begins with a look at decimal place value and rounding. Students will be involved in investigations and problem-solving strings as we explore these topics. Be sure to ask your child about this month's Number Corner calendar activity in which we are using pentominoes to explore the geometric characteristics of symmetry, angles, intersecting lines, perpendicular lines and parallel lines.

The new unit begins with a look at decimal place value and rounding. Students will be involved in investigations and problem-solving strings as we explore these topics. Be sure to ask your child about this month's Number Corner calendar activity in which we are using pentominoes to explore the geometric characteristics of symmetry, angles, intersecting lines, perpendicular lines and parallel lines.
Don't Forget...
December 15 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:30
The Fourth-grade BOWLING field trip is the morning of Wednesday, 12/16. Students may bring a small amount of money to purchase snacks while bowling. Brunswick is offering a concession special of 2 slices of cheese pizza and a 16 oz. drink for $3.00. The "all-school" field trip to the Ogden 6 Movie theater will be the afternoon of Friday, 12/18. Students will enjoy watching "ET: The Extraterrestrial". No money is necessary; snacks will not be available.
Mrs. Karen Bell
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