Highlights for the Week of 9/21/15
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom
Spelling - Short & Long "i" and "o"
The final TEST for this lesson will be on Friday, 9/25. Google Classroom activities will also be due that day. Below are some photos of students working on Spelling homework on their Chromebooks. Spelling homework should be submitted before 7:00 a.m. on the day it is due.
Reading - Courage
This week we began the fourth grade Courage unit. The unit revolves around the essential questions of "What does it mean to show courage?", "Can Courage be shown in more than one way?" and "How can one person make a difference?". Students worked in small groups to share ideas about one person making a difference. Ideas were then shared on the "graffiti" wall shown below. We discovered that small actions, not just large ones, can be important in making a difference.

Next week we will learn about finding theme in text, and begin our close read of the story, Happy Birthday Dr. King, which tells the story of a young man who learns a life lesson from the example of Dr. King.
English - Introducing Paragraphs
We have practiced brainstorming ideas and writing topic, detail and closing sentences. This week, students will practice revising and proofreading paragraphs.

Social Studies - Resources of the Northeast / The Plentiful Sea
Math - Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 1 - Multiplication & Volume
Topics in math this week include multiples, partial products and relating multiplication and multiplication. Students will independently complete a graded CHECKPOINT on Friday, 9/25. The checkpoint will cover multiplication strategies and volume. Students should review their spiral notes and work pages to prepare for the Checkpoint.
The Brookfield Zoo field trip is scheduled for Tuesday, 9/22. Please send a 100% disposable lunch to school with your child. We will be outside come rain or shine, so please have him/her dress for the weather!
Magazine turn in dates are Tuesday, 9/23 and Thursday, 9/24.
This week we began the fourth grade Courage unit. The unit revolves around the essential questions of "What does it mean to show courage?", "Can Courage be shown in more than one way?" and "How can one person make a difference?". Students worked in small groups to share ideas about one person making a difference. Ideas were then shared on the "graffiti" wall shown below. We discovered that small actions, not just large ones, can be important in making a difference.
Students also explored text in a different format by viewing a video about the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. While watching the video, they answered text dependent questions. We love using our Chromebooks in class!

Next week we will learn about finding theme in text, and begin our close read of the story, Happy Birthday Dr. King, which tells the story of a young man who learns a life lesson from the example of Dr. King.
We have practiced brainstorming ideas and writing topic, detail and closing sentences. This week, students will practice revising and proofreading paragraphs.

Social Studies - Resources of the Northeast / The Plentiful Sea
We will finish our study of the resources of the Northeast, and move on to how the Atlantic coast influences the economy of the region. Look for the NE region TEST to be scheduled the week of 9/28.
Math - Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 1 - Multiplication & Volume
Topics in math this week include multiples, partial products and relating multiplication and multiplication. Students will independently complete a graded CHECKPOINT on Friday, 9/25. The checkpoint will cover multiplication strategies and volume. Students should review their spiral notes and work pages to prepare for the Checkpoint.
The Brookfield Zoo field trip is scheduled for Tuesday, 9/22. Please send a 100% disposable lunch to school with your child. We will be outside come rain or shine, so please have him/her dress for the weather!
Magazine turn in dates are Tuesday, 9/23 and Thursday, 9/24.
Happy Weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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