Highlights for the Week of 9/28/15
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom!
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom!
Reading - "Courage" - Happy Birthday, Dr. King!
We will continue digging deeper into the treasure chest of text with the story, Happy Birthday, Dr. King! Students will work with partners and independently to respond to Text Dependent Questions (TDQs) and build their personal collection of vocabulary. We will also study the text structure of cause and effect. Look for a vocabulary QUIZ to be scheduled the week of 10/5.
Our paragraph study will conclude this week. Students will independently write a paragraph about something they did during the summer. They will be assessed on their ability to write topic, concluding and detail sentences. We will then move on to our sentence unit.
Social Studies - The Northeast

Math - Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 1 - Multiplication & Volume
Reviewing division with area models and division with remainders will be our focus next week. Look for a TEST on Unit 1 to be scheduled the week of 10/5. Below are some pictures of Richard leading the class in a Number Corner discussion.
FYI...What a marvelous day we had at the zoo! Students learned how to record observations while observing animals and how to turn the collected data into a format (bar graph) that is meaningful. Thanks again to the chaperones who helped to make the day special.
A group shot! |
Observing the activity of Delilah the turtle |
Recording data on the kangaroos |
Time for lunch! |

Mrs. Karen Bell