Highlights for the Week of 4/20/15
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

This week's spelling list will focus on homophones. The final test on this lesson will be given on Friday, 4/24. The workbook pages OR challenge work will also be collected that day.
Reading - Journeys - Poetry
The next cycle of our Journeys unit will focus on Poetry. We will begin by studying author's viewpoint through Shel Silverstein's poetry. Author's viewpoint is how the author expresses his/her feelings about a topic and/or the purpose for writing. We will also revisit the topic of first and third person. When text is written in first person point of view, a character in the story tells the story, and pronouns such as "I", "me" and "we" are used. Third person point of view is when a narrator outside of the story is telling it, and pronouns such as "he", "she" and "they" are included. We will also study figurative language that is used in poetry.
English- Adverbs & Prepositions
Students will complete a graded review on lessons 1-3 of this unit on Tuesday. Topics will include identifying adverbs, comparing with adverbs and using "good" and "well".
Social Studies - The Southwest

Work on the brochure will be completed at home and at school.
The final product is due on 4/24.
Science - Human Body / Inventions
Don't forget that inventions are due on 4/28! We have completed our study of the human body. The chapter 4 TEST is scheduled for Thursday, 4/23. Look for a study guide to come home with your child on Monday.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Topic 12 - +/- Fractions & Mixed Numbers with like Denominators

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