Highlights for the Week of 4/27/15
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

This week's spelling list will be a review of 30 words we have learned in Theme 5. Students will be required to score 100% on the pretest to earn challenge work for the week. The final test (20 words) on this lesson will be given on Friday,5/1. The workbook pages OR challenge work will also be collected that day.
Reading - Journeys Unit / Poetry
We will continue to study the literary elements of poetry including rhyme, meter, figurative language and point of view. The poems that we will carefully read this week include The Hen, The Arrow & The Song, and A Narrow Fellow in the Grass. Students will also complete a TFK comprehension QUIZ on 4/28. Please be sure that your child has his/her TFK magazine at school that day.
English- Adverbs and Prepositions
We will complete this unit with a look at "What is a Preposition?". A preposition is a word that shows a relationship between two nouns. For example, in the sentence "The man is below the platform.", the word "below" is a preposition...it shows the relation between between the man and the platform. Look for the unit 7 TEST to be scheduled for the week of 5/4.
Social Studies - The Southwest

Science - Inventions
This week's focus will be our annual INVENTION CONVENTION !!! I am very excited to see what our young inventors have created ! Inventions are due on Tuesday, 4/28. Students will present their inventions to the class with a note card speech on 4/29. A sheet with guidelines for the speech was sent home on 4/23.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Topic 13 - Extending Fraction Concepts
We will begin the next topic in math with a look at unit fractions. Then we will take a look at multiplication of fractions by whole numbers and converting fractions to decimals.
We will begin the next topic in math with a look at unit fractions. Then we will take a look at multiplication of fractions by whole numbers and converting fractions to decimals.
Don't Forget...
April 30 - Prairieview Open House - 6:30-8:00 p.m.
May 15 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:00
May 25 - Memorial Day - No school
May 15 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:00
May 25 - Memorial Day - No school

The online book fair opens 4/25. Visit this link for more information:
Karen Bell