Highlights for the Week of 3/16/15
in Mrs. Bell 's Classroom

The final test for this week's lesson will be on Friday, 3/20. Cursive & workbook pages OR challenge work will also be collected that day.
O'Reading - Journeys Unit
We will continue our study of the novel, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. Students have written many responses to this novel, and I am pleased to see the improvement in their writing as we progress. We will also take a look at the poem The Falling Star, and discuss the similarity in theme between the two texts.
O'English - Verbs

The verb tense paragraph project is due on Tuesday, 3/17. Chapter 3 will end with a look at irregular verbs, the special verb "be", and contractions that use the word not. The verbs TEST is scheduled for Friday, 3/20. Students should prepare for the test by studying the verbs packet (in English folder), workbook pages and text pages 95-134. The extra practice on pages 125-134 are particularly helpful for test preparation.
O'Social Studies - The Midwest Project
Students will begin a technology project for the Midwest Region. They will research a state in the Midwest, and create a slide presentation to create a "Just Look" book. Look for the project description sheet to come home on 3/16.
Close reading is a skill that applies to all curriculum. Below are pictures of students close reading ("digging for gold") a text passage in Social Studies in order to answer text dependent questions.

O'Science - The Circulatory System
The topic this week in science will be the components of blood, and what the job of each part of the blood is. Students will take an open note / book QUIZ on lesson 1 of chapter 4 on Friday, 3/20.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 10

The final lesson in Topic 10 is Multiple-Step problems. The Topic 10 TEST is scheduled for Wednesday, 3/18. After a look at how Venn diagrams are used in math, we will move on to fractions the week of 3/23.
Students have enjoyed center work during our study of division. Below are some pictures of them collaborating with their peers to practice their skills.

Don't Forget...
3/19 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:00
3/26 - "Wheels, Levers & Pulleys" in-school Field Trip
3/30 - 4/6 - Spring Break
4/7 - No School - Teacher's Institute
Mrs. Karen Bell

The final lesson in Topic 10 is Multiple-Step problems. The Topic 10 TEST is scheduled for Wednesday, 3/18. After a look at how Venn diagrams are used in math, we will move on to fractions the week of 3/23.
Students have enjoyed center work during our study of division. Below are some pictures of them collaborating with their peers to practice their skills.

Don't Forget...
3/19 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:00
3/26 - "Wheels, Levers & Pulleys" in-school Field Trip
3/30 - 4/6 - Spring Break
4/7 - No School - Teacher's Institute
Mrs. Karen Bell
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