Highlights for the Week of 1/4/16
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom
ing - Words with Final /j/ & /s/ Sound
Words this week will have the final "j" & "s'" sound. The final test for this lesson will be on Friday, 1/8. Cursive pages & Google Classroom activities are also due that day.

Words this week will have the final "j" & "s'" sound. The final test for this lesson will be on Friday, 1/8. Cursive pages & Google Classroom activities are also due that day.
Reading - Unit 1 - Courage - Lou Gehrig
The final story that we will read in the Courage unit is a biographical piece about baseball player LouGehrig. While studying this text, we will continue to hone our close reading skills and focus on identifying statements that are facts and statements that are opinions. A statement of fact can be proven by looking it up in a reference source. A statement of opinion tells what a person thinks, believes or feels.
The final story that we will read in the Courage unit is a biographical piece about baseball player LouGehrig. While studying this text, we will continue to hone our close reading skills and focus on identifying statements that are facts and statements that are opinions. A statement of fact can be proven by looking it up in a reference source. A statement of opinion tells what a person thinks, believes or feels.
English- Explanatory Writing

Social Studies - Wildlife & Resources of the Southeast
The chapter 6 TEST is tentatively scheduled for 1/8. Watch for a study guide to come home early in the week. The wildlife and resources of the southeast is the last topic for this region. Be sure to ask your child why the alligator became an endangered species.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 3 - Place Value & Decimals
A graded CHECKPOINT is scheduled for Wednesday, 1/6.
Don't Forget..
We had a "ball" at the bowling field trip. Looks like some of us are ready to hit the pro bowling circuit...
Mrs. Cushing is looking for a parent volunteer help with a "cutting" job. This can take place at school or at your home (items would need to be picked up.) There is a lot to cut, so more than one volunteer would be great! If you are interested, please contact her at tcushing@ccsd66.org
The next unit in English is Explanatory Writing. Explanatory passages are written to give information, or to explain a topic. We will begin exploring this topic with a look at how to write "hooks", key ideas & key details. Together, we will write an essay about what why Lou Gehrig is a hero. Students will independently write about their personal heroes.

Social Studies - Wildlife & Resources of the Southeast
The chapter 6 TEST is tentatively scheduled for 1/8. Watch for a study guide to come home early in the week. The wildlife and resources of the southeast is the last topic for this region. Be sure to ask your child why the alligator became an endangered species.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 3 - Place Value & Decimals
Rounding and adding tenths and fraction/decimal equivalencies will be covered in math this week.
Don't Forget..
January 4 -- Classes Resume after Winter Break
We had a special visitor to our class this week. My grandson JR & his mom Jessie are here from Japan, and they stopped by to say hi to the kids. Below are some pics of him with his fan club!
We had a special visitor to our class this week. My grandson JR & his mom Jessie are here from Japan, and they stopped by to say hi to the kids. Below are some pics of him with his fan club!
We had a "ball" at the bowling field trip. Looks like some of us are ready to hit the pro bowling circuit...
Mrs. Cushing is looking for a parent volunteer help with a "cutting" job. This can take place at school or at your home (items would need to be picked up.) There is a lot to cut, so more than one volunteer would be great! If you are interested, please contact her at tcushing@ccsd66.org
Wishing you & yours a very happy, safe & relaxing winter break!
Mrs. Karen Bell