Highlights for the Week of 12/8/14
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

This week's spelling list will contain 30 words from the second theme in our reading text. Words will be chosen from lessons 8-12. Students must score 100% on the pretest to earn challenge work for the week. The final test will be on Friday, 12/12, and will cover 20 words from the list. Homework will also be collected on Friday.
Reading - Courage Unit - The 12 Labors of Hercules
We will be digging deeper into mythology with a project about the labors of Hercules. The twelve labors will be divided between students, and they will be responsible for creating a slide presentation about the labor, and for presenting it to the class. Some students will work with partners, and others will work individually. Presentations will take place the week of 12/15.
English - Nouns

The nouns TEST is scheduled for Tuesday, 12/9. The textbook is a helpful resource when preparing for the test. The nouns chapter is found in the text on pages 63-94. Included in these pages are lesson specific reviews. We will be taking a break from parts of speech with the next unit in English, which will be Explanatory Writing. Explanatory writing is text written to give information, or to explain a topic. We will begin exploring this topic by writing an essay about what type of animal makes the best house pet.
Social Studies - The Southeast
We will wrap up our study of the Southeast with a slide show project. Students will collaborate with partners to create a slide show/scrapbook that highlights information about the land forms, climate and resources of the Southeast. Students will be given time in school to work on the project, but will also have to complete work at home. The slide show presentations are scheduled for Monday, 12/15.
Science - Chapter 2 Test / "How do the Bodies of Animals Help Them Meet their Needs?"
Students will take the science TEST on Monday, 12/8. The test will cover chapter 2, lessons 2-3. Tests in science are not open book/note. Your child was given a study guide to help him/her prepare for the test. The next unit in Science will focus on Animal Adaptations.
Math - Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Topic 6 - "Developing Fluency: Multiplying by 1-Digit Numbers"
Using expanded and standard algorithms for multiplication and multiplying 2-, 3- and 4-digit by 1-digit numbers will be our topics for next week. Look for the TEST for Topic 6 to be scheduled the week of 12/14.
Don't forget...
Field Trip forms & fees are due on 12/12.
"Collaborating with Chromebooks"
Pictures of students working together to create responses to
text-dependent questions from the myth, "Athena & Arachne"
Mrs. Karen Bell
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