Highlights for the Week of 1/5/15
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

The final test for this lesson will be on Friday,1/9. Workbook pages & the cursive page OR challenge work will also be collected that day.

The final story that we will read in the Courage unit is a biographical piece about baseball player Lou Gehrig. While studying this text we will continue to hone our close reading skills and focus on identifying statements that are facts and statements that are opinions. A statement of fact can be proven by looking it up in a reference source. A statement of opinion tells what a person thinks, believes or feels.
English - Explanatory Essays
Students will work in partners to respond to the prompt, "What Would You Have a Robot Do?". They will use the techniques of brainstorming and organizing ideas that we practiced as a group. Then, they will use the explanatory organizer to format their ideas and to write their rough drafts. Finally, they will conference with teachers before writing their final copies.
Social Studies - Native Americans of the Southeast

We will begin our study of the Cherokee people. Students will learn about the traditions and culture of this Native American group that originated in the Southeast. On Tuesday, we will have our "Southeast Feast" when students will sample the resources of the region, including peaches, corn, rice & orange juice.
Science - "How do the Bodies of Animals Help Them Meet their Needs?"
rs. Bell's Math Class - Topic 7 - Number Sense: Multiplying by 2-Digit Numbers
Our new unit begins with a look at using arrays and mental math to multiply 2-digit by 2-digit numbers. Then, we will move on to using rounding and compatible numbers to estimate and how to solve a problem that has multiple steps. This is a short unit, and I am anticipating that students will take the Topic 7 TEST the week of 1/12.

Our new unit begins with a look at using arrays and mental math to multiply 2-digit by 2-digit numbers. Then, we will move on to using rounding and compatible numbers to estimate and how to solve a problem that has multiple steps. This is a short unit, and I am anticipating that students will take the Topic 7 TEST the week of 1/12.
Don't Forget...
Students will be taking the MAPS test during the week of 1/5. Our class will take the reading test on Wednesday, & the math test on Friday. Please encourage your child to do his/her best on the test, and be sure that he/she comes to school well rested. Thank you!
Wishing you & your family a happy, safe & relaxing
holiday break!
holiday break!
Mrs. Karen Bell