Highlights for the Weeks of 11/17/14 & 11/24/14
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

This week's list includes the spelling patterns of îr / är / âr , which are words that sound like "ear" &"glare". Cursive and workbook pages, as well as challenge work for the lesson will be collected on Friday, 11/22. The final test for that lesson will also be that day. There will be NO SPELLING the week of 11/24.

Reading - "Courage" / Greek Mythology
The story of Hercules continues to be our focus until Thanksgiving break. Students will examine this myth to determine the characteristics of heroes and the ways that they show courage. They will also work in partners to complete comprehension related tasks.
English - Nouns
The Nouns unit will begin with a look at what is a noun, common & proper nouns, and plural nouns. Students will independently complete a graded review on plural nouns on Tuesday, 11/25.
Social Studies - The Southeast
We will finish our study of the geography of the Southeast, and move on to a look at the climate in the region. Be sure to ask you child about the diverse climate in the Southeast, and why this lesson is named, "Sunlight & Storms".
Science - What are Some Life Cycles of Plants? / Life Cycles of Animals
The life cycle diagram on Google Classroom is due on Tuesday, 11/18. Students will take an open note/book quiz on lesson 2 of chapter 2 on Wednesday, 11/19. We will begin studying the life cycle of animals on Thursday. Below are students making observations for our Sprouting Seeds Investigate which answers the question, "Do seeds need light to germinate?".
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