Highlights for the Week of 12/1/14
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

This week's lesson contains words with the the patterns of ôr/ ür / yŏŏr, which sound like "more", "hurt" & "pure". The final test for the lesson will be on Friday, 12/5. Cursive and workbook pages OR challenge work will also be collected that day.
Reading - Greek Mythology
The myth of Arachne and Athena will be our focus this week. After a teacher-led cold read of the text, students will work in pairs to close read and annotate as they have previously practiced. At the end of the week, students will write a short essay comparing and contrasting the heroic deeds of Athena and Gloria Estefan.
English - Nouns
We will finish our study of nouns with a look at singular and plural possessive nouns. Students will independently complete a chapter review in preparation for the chapter TEST, scheduled for Tuesday, 12/9.
Social Studies - The Southeast

The final lesson of chapter 6 focuses on the wildlife and resources of the Southeast. Ask your child how the extinction of the alligator has been avoided in this region. The chapter 6 TEST is scheduled for Friday, 12/5. Look for the study guide to come home on 12/1.
Science - Life Cycles of Plants and Animals
We will complete our study of life cycles with an open note/textbook QUIZ on chapter 2 / lesson 3, scheduled for 12/2. The TEST for all of chapter 2 will be on Monday, 12/8.
Math - Mrs. Bell's Math Class
We will finish Topic 5 with a look at using rounding to estimate multiplication and the problem solving skill of checking for reasonableness. The Topic 5 TEST is scheduled for Thursday, 12/4.
We will finish Topic 5 with a look at using rounding to estimate multiplication and the problem solving skill of checking for reasonableness. The Topic 5 TEST is scheduled for Thursday, 12/4.
December 16 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:00
Mrs. Karen Bell
December 16 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:00
Mrs. Karen Bell