Highlights for the Week of 2/10/14
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

This week's spelling lesson will focus on Compound Words. The cursive/workbook pages OR challenge work will be collected on Friday, 2/14. The final test for the lesson will also be that day.
Reading - I Can Summarize

While reading chapter 5 in Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, we will focus on the reading strategy of summarizing. We will also begin practicing how to write an extended response, which is a skill that will be assessed on the ISAT tests in March. We will study the formula for how to write a response by working with picture books, and write some responses in the whole group setting.
English- Adjectives
The last lesson in this chapter will include comparing with adjectives using the words "more" and "most". Students will complete a chapter review on Wednesday in preparation for the chapter TEST which is scheduled for Monday, 2/17.
Social Studies - The Ojibwa
The next topic that we will study in Social Studies is the Native Americans of the Midwest region, The Ojibwa. We will focus on their culture, and how it has developed from the past into the present.
The chapter 4 TEST is scheduled for Tuesday, 2/11. On Wednesday, I will introduce the final project for the human body unit. Students will work in pairs to research a body system, and to create a slide presentation about their system that will be presented to the class. They will be given time in school to work on the project, but they should expect that some of the work will also be done at home.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 7 - Patterns and Sequences

The pretest for Unit 7 is scheduled for Monday. This unit begins with a look at nonnumeric and numeric patterns, and sequences.
Don't Forget...
February 13 - "Edison's Workshop" - In-school learning lab
February 17 - President's Day - No School

Our Valentine's Day celebration will be on Friday, 2/14 at 1:30. If your child chooses to bring cards to share, please be sure that he/she has a card for every student in our classroom. Any edible treats that accompany cards will be sent home to be eaten.
Mrs. Karen Bell
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