Highlights for the Week of 3/3/14
in Mrs. Bell 's Classroom

We will not have a spelling lesson due to ISAT testing. Next week's spelling lesson will focus on words that change the final "y" to "i".
Reading - Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing - Final Project & Assessment
We have completed our novel study - be sure to ask your child about what Fudge does with Peter's pet turtle! During this week, students will complete a Reading Response Web for the novel that focuses on applying different reading skills. On Friday, students will take the final QUIZ for the novel. It will cover vocabulary from chapters 1-10, and will include comprehension questions from the entire book. Mrs. Krasnodebski has set up new vocabulary practice on the Quizlet site for students to use while studying. Please click on the following link to access the vocabulary practice:
English - Verbs
Subject/verb agreement is the topic that we will study in English this week.
Social Studies - The Midwest
We have begun working on the Midwest research project. Students will complete the research on the attractions in their Midwest city this week, and will begin work on the group slide show. Below are some photos of students using the Google Chrome computers in the classroom to work on their projects.
Science - ISAT Preparation
This week we will touch on the topics of space, simple machines, and rocks & minerals and color in preparation for the ISATs.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - ISAT testing / Unit 7
Most of our time this week will be spent taking the ISAT tests. On Friday, we will return to Unit 7 with a look at using the four operations to extend patterns.
Don't Forget...
Mrs. Karen Bell