Highlights for the Weeks of 11/25/13 & 12/2/13
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

There will be no spelling the week of 11/25. The following week, we will study words with the the patterns of ôr/ ür / yŏŏr, which sound like "more", "hurt" & "pure". The final test for that week's lesson will be on Friday, 12/6. Cursive and workbook pages OR challenge work will also be collected that day.

During the week of 11/25, we will finish reading Because of Winn-Dixie. We will also take a look at a Time for Kids magazine that focuses on leadership. Students will take a comprehension QUIZ on the magazine on Tuesday, 11/26. On 12/2, students will begin the final project for Because of Winn-Dixie. The project will focus on using the skill of summarizing, as students create a timeline. Students will be given some time in school to work on the project, but should expect to work on it at home as well. The project will be collected on Monday, 12/9. A comprehension/vocabulary QUIZ on chapters 11-26 is scheduled for Tuesday, 12/3. We will also continue practicing the skill of making generalizations.
English - Nouns
Students will be taking the pretest for the Nouns unit on Monday, 11/25. Those that are proficient in at least half of the lessons will have the opportunity to do challenge work. What is a noun, common and proper nouns, singular and plural nouns, and spelling rules for nouns that end with the letter "y" will be our focus for the rest of the week.
Social Studies - The Southeast

Science - Adaptations & Human Body
The chapter 3 TEST is scheduled for Monday, 11/25. The next unit that we will look at in science is the Human Body. Our study of the human body will begin with an investigate that will demonstrate how pulse rates increase and decrease with activity. Lesson 1 of chapter 4 takes a look at cells, tissues, organs and body systems, and how they are related.
Math - Mrs. Bell's Math Class
We will only have one day of math during the week of 11/25, so we will take a break from our hard work, and enjoy some holiday math activities. We will begin Unit 5, Multiplying with Two Digit Numbers, the week of 12/2. Students will take a pretest for the unit on Monday, so that I may see where our strengths and weaknesses are. A QUIZ on lessons 1 & 2 of the unit is scheduled for Thursday, 12/5.
We will only have one day of math during the week of 11/25, so we will take a break from our hard work, and enjoy some holiday math activities. We will begin Unit 5, Multiplying with Two Digit Numbers, the week of 12/2. Students will take a pretest for the unit on Monday, so that I may see where our strengths and weaknesses are. A QUIZ on lessons 1 & 2 of the unit is scheduled for Thursday, 12/5.
November 27-29 - No School - Thanksgiving Holiday Break
December 17 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:00
On Monday, November 25th, all fourth grade students will attend an in school presentation titled, "Life on the Appalachian Trail". This presentation is given by John Lynn, and it will feature a slide presentation that illustrates the history, geography and nature of the Northeast and Southeast regions of the U.S.
I am so thankful for the privilege of having your child as my student. Wishing you & yours a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Mrs. Karen Bell
November 27-29 - No School - Thanksgiving Holiday Break
December 17 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:00
On Monday, November 25th, all fourth grade students will attend an in school presentation titled, "Life on the Appalachian Trail". This presentation is given by John Lynn, and it will feature a slide presentation that illustrates the history, geography and nature of the Northeast and Southeast regions of the U.S.

Mrs. Karen Bell