Highlights for the Week of 9/9/2013
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom!
Spelling - Words Often Misspelled #2
This week's list will consist of a second list of words that are often misspelled by fourth grade students. Students will be taking a pretest consisting of 20 words on Monday. Homework will be collected on Friday, and the final test for the week (20 words) will be given on Friday.
Reading -Identifying the Elements of Story Structure / Summarizing

http://www.eduplace.com/kids/hmr06/gr4/gr4_th1_sel1.html. Click on the e-game tab to play the game. We will also be working on building stamina for the "Read to Self" portion of the Daily 5.
English - Autobiographical Paragraph / Writing a Friendly Letter
Students will complete their first English assignment, which is to write an autobiographical paragraph. Then, we will review how to write a friendly letter. Students will learn about the different components that make up a friendly letter, and we will write one together. Then, they will write their own friendly letter to be shared with parents on Curriculum Night.
Social Studies - "We the People / Strength of Our Freedom"
Students will finish their study of the U.S. government with a peek at the branches of government, and the Constitution. We will then move on to the study of citizens' rights in the U.S.
Science - "Getting Ready for Science"

Math - Mrs. Bell's Math Class

Students will be taking a QUIZ on lessons 1-4 of unit 1 on Tuesday, 9/10. Topics on the quiz will include place value through billions, writing multi-digit numbers (standard form, word form & expanded form), and comparing & ordering numbers. We will be finishing Unit 1 with a look at using place value to round numbers, and a problem solving strategy called the "Four Step Plan". The unit 1 TEST is scheduled for Friday, 9/13.
The magazine drive will begin with the kickoff celebration on Tuesday, 9/10. An information packet will be sent home with your child that day.
Please be sure to mark your calendar for Curriculum Night, which is scheduled for Tuesday, September 17th from 6:30 to 7:30. You will have an opportunity to visit our classroom, and to meet your child's math teacher.
If your child is interested in joining the band, please plan on attending the meeting for beginning students on September 16th at 7:00. The meeting will be held at Prairieview in the Multi-Purpose room.
On October 3rd we will be taking a field trip to Brookfield Zoo. On the day of the trip, students will have to bring a completely disposable lunch, dress for the weather, wear comfortable walking shoes, and bring a watch with a second hand.
Enjoy your weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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