Highlights for the Week of 9/30/13
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom!
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom!

This week in reading our story is "Finding the Titanic" by Robert D. Ballard. The reading strategy that we will focus on is text organization. Many non-fiction authors organize their selections in time order. They also use features such as headings, pictures, captions and charts to help the reader better understand the information. Students will be studying these elements of text organization while reading a variety of non-fiction passages. On Friday they will "show what they know" by taking a QUIZ in which they will identify types of text organization and recognize the vocabulary learned in an authentic nonfiction passage.
English - What is a Sentence?
I have been quite impressed with our class's singing abilities as we sing along with Mr. Morton and his lesson about subjects and predicates! Ask your child to sing a few notes for you! We will finish this chapter with a look at run on sentences. Look for the chapter 1 test to be scheduled the week of 10/7.
Social Studies - Land & Water in the Northeast
This week, we will take a look at the resources of the Northeast. Students will learn the process by which cranberries are grown, how maple syrup is harvested, and why the climate of the Finger Lakes region in New York makes it a perfect location to grow grapes. We will also study the minerals that are a huge resource in this region.
Science - How are Animals Classified?
Be sure to check out the pictures of students working with their worms at the end of the blog. Students will finished their study of worm behavior on 9/27. They will take an open book QUIZ on the Scientific Method on Monday, 9/30. The WORM RACE is scheduled for Monday, 10/7. Look for an information sheet about how to build the worm track to come home on 9/27. Meanwhile, we will be moving on to the classification of animals with a look at vertebrates and invertebrates.
Math - Mrs. Bell's Math Class
We will finish Unit 2 on Monday with a look at solving multi-step word problems. The Unit 2 TEST is scheduled for Wednesday, 10/2. The next unit that we will cover in math is Understanding Multiplication & Division.
Our class will be taking our field trip to Brookfield Zoo on Thursday, 10/3. Students MUST bring a
completely disposable lunch that day. Please see that your child dresses for the weather (rain or shine), wears comfortable walking
shoes, and brings a watch with a second hand.