Highlights for the Week of 5/20/13
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

This week's spelling lesson will be a review list. Students must earn a 100% on the pretest to qualify for challenge work. The final TEST on this lesson will be given on Friday, 5/24. The workbook pages OR challenge work will also be collected that day.
Reading - I Can Apply Reading Strategies
The Peg Kehret book clubs are going extremely well. I am very pleased and impressed with how the student discussions have developed. Students will have their third book club meeting on Monday, 5/20, and their fourth, and final, meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 5/23.English-Pronouns

Social Studies
Students will work on creating their final region project, which will be to create a word cloud about the West using tagxedo.com. Their word cloud will include the names of the states in the West, and information about the geography, climate, sights and resources of the region. On Friday, we will create a "suitcase" in which your child will pack up all of his/her regional projects to bring home.
Science - Magnets
We will study how magnets work, and how they relate to electricity. Students will take an open note/book QUIZ on lesson 2 of chapter 15 on Thursday, 5/23.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Fractions / Multiplication
The TEST on chapter 15 is scheduled for Wednesday, 5/22. The next unit that we will focus on is multiplication of two digit numbers by one digit numbers.We will begin with a look at multiplication patterns and how to estimate using patterns.
Don't forget...
May 22 - Lizzadro Field Trip (See details below)
May 27 - Memorial Day -- No School
June 4 - Bowling Field Trip - 12:10-2:15
June 5 -- Last Day of School
On Wednesday, 5/22, our class will be taking a field trip to the Lizzadro Museum of Lapidary Arts. We will be leaving school at 9:30 and returning around 12:00. Your child MUST BRING A SACK LUNCH that day.
Mrs. Karen Bell
June 5 -- Last Day of School
On Wednesday, 5/22, our class will be taking a field trip to the Lizzadro Museum of Lapidary Arts. We will be leaving school at 9:30 and returning around 12:00. Your child MUST BRING A SACK LUNCH that day.
Mrs. Karen Bell
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