Highlights for the Week of 2/18/13
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

This week's spelling lesson will focus on words that end with the suffixes "-ed" & "-ing". The cursive/workbook pages OR challenge work will be collected on Friday, 2/22. The final test for the lesson will also be that day.
Reading - I Can Understand the Elements of Poetry & Use Figurative Language

English- Verbs

Social Studies - The Ojibwa
The next topic that we will study in Social Studies is the Native Americans of the Midwest region, The Ojibwa. We will focus on their culture, and how it has developed from the past into the present.
We will complete our study of the muscular system on Tuesday. On Wednesday, 2/20, students will take an open note/book QUIZ on lesson 2 of chapter 4. We will also spend time preparing for the science portion of the ISAT test by reviewing a number of science topics.
Mrs. Bell 's Math Class - Lines, Rays, Angles & Plane Figures

We will finish chapter 19 by taking a look at classifying triangles and quadrilaterals and circles. Students will take a QUIZ on lessons 1-5 of chapter 19 on Wednesday, 2/20. Look for the chapter 19 test to be scheduled the week of 2/25. In addition to our daily lessons, we will also be incorporating ISAT Practice.
Don't Forget...
February 19th - President's Day - No School
February 26 - Early Dismissal
Mrs. Karen Bell
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