Highlights for the Week of 1/21/13
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

Words this week will have the "VCCV" or Vowel/Consonant/Consonant/Vowel pattern. The final test for this lesson will be on Friday, 1/25. Workbook pages & the cursive page OR challenge work will also be collected that day.

This week we are going to take a break from our novel, and begin practicing how to write an extended response, which is a skill that will be assessed on the ISAT tests in March. We will study the formula for how to write a response by working with picture books. At the end of the week, we will write a response to a prompt about Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.
English- Adjectives
We will finish the chapter on Adjectives this week with a look at how to compare with the words "good" and "bad". We will also review for the TEST which is scheduled for Friday, 1/25.
Social Studies - The Midwest
Social Studies - The Midwest
This week we will look at lesson 2 of chapter 8. This lesson covers the terrain & climate of the South Dakota Badlands.
Science - The Human Body / How Does Your Body Get Oxygen & Nutrients?
The respiratory & circulatory systems will be our focus this week. Students will create a model of the respiratory system that will show how the diaphragm pushes air in and out of the lungs. Ask your child to demonstrate for you! We will also take a journey through our circulatory system as blood cells.
We will begin the week with a look at mean, median & mode. Students will take a QUIZ on lessons 1-3 of chapter 7 on Thursday, 1/24.
Don't Forget...
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