Highlights for the Week of 1/28/13
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

This week's spelling list will contain 30 words from the 4th theme in our reading text. Words will be chosen from lessons 15-17. Students must score 100% on the pretest to earn challenge work for the week. The final test will be on Friday, 2/1, and will cover 20 words from the list. Homework will also be collected on Friday.

Reading - I Can Understand Elements of Poetry & Use Figurative Language
We will finish our novel study of Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, and take a look at poetry. We will focus on some of the elements of poetry, including rhyme, sensory words, figurative language, and wordplay. We will also begin working on completing the "Reading Response Web", which is the final project for Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.
English- Verbs
Students will take the chapter pretest on Monday to earn the opportunity to do challenge work. The first two lessons of the new chapter will focus on action verbs, and main and helping verbs.
Social Studies - Bountiful Midwest Farms
The third lesson of chapter 8 takes a look at the agriculture of the Midwest region. Ask your child why farmers grow different crops in the Great Plains than the Central Plains. Look for the test on chapter 8 to be scheduled for the week of 2/4.
Social Studies - Bountiful Midwest Farms
The third lesson of chapter 8 takes a look at the agriculture of the Midwest region. Ask your child why farmers grow different crops in the Great Plains than the Central Plains. Look for the test on chapter 8 to be scheduled for the week of 2/4.
Science - How does Your Body Get Nutrients & Oxygen?
Students will take an open note/book QUIZ on lesson 1 of chapter 4 on Tuesday, 1/29. The next body systems that we will study are the skeletal and muscular systems.
Students will take an open note/book QUIZ on lesson 1 of chapter 4 on Tuesday, 1/29. The next body systems that we will study are the skeletal and muscular systems.
The chapter 7 TEST is scheduled for Monday, 1/28. Our next chapter will cover graphing and the coordinate grid.
Don't Forget...
February 30th - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:00
Mrs. Karen Bell