Highlights for the Week of 12/10/12
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

This week's spelling list will contain 30 words from the second theme in our reading text. Words will be chosen from lessons 8-12. Students must score 100% on the pretest to earn challenge work for the week. The final test will be on Friday, 12/14, and will cover 20 words from the list. Homework will also be collected on Friday.
Reading - I Can Evaluate Text & Review Strategies
The Because of Winn-Dixie timeline project will be collected on Monday, 12/10. In reading this week, students will be reading stories about Amelia Earhart, Eleanor Roosevelt & Duke Ellington as we review strategies that we have learned over the past few weeks.

We will finish the nouns unit with a look at plural possessive nouns. The chapter test is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, 12/19.
Social Studies - The Southeast
On Tuesday, students will begin working on a descriptive writing assignment for the Southeast region. Look for the project description sheet to come home that day. The project is due on 12/17. We will finish the week by working on the Southeast portion of our large United States map, and "Chef Bell" will make another appearance by creating our Southeast Feast.
Science - Chapter 3 Assessment
The TEST for chapter 3 is scheduled for Thursday, 12/13. We will review on Monday for the test, and students will receive their study guides that day.
Math - Mrs. Bell's Math Class
The chapter 5 TEST is scheduled for Tuesday, 12/11. The next topic that we will visit in math will be time & temperature.
Don't forget...
Tivoli Field Trip forms are due on 12/12.
Please enjoy these pictures from the Winn-Dixie friendship celebration. We had a ball!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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