Highlights for the Week of 10/8/12
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom!
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom!
Due to the 4 day week, there will be NO spelling lesson this week.

We will continue focusing on the reading strategy of text organization. Many non-fiction authors organize their selections in time order. They also use features such as headings, pictures, captions, and charts to help the reader better understand the information. Students will independently complete an assessment on this topic on Tuesday. We will also take a peek at syllabication.
English - Capitalization and Punctuation

Our new unit in English is Capitalization and Punctuation (Chapter 5). On Wednesday, students will be taking a pretest that will assess their expertise in the topics that we will study. Students who demonstrate proficiency on the pretest will have the opportunity to do independent challenge work in place of the regular lessons. The first topic in this unit will be writing correct sentences. Be sure to ask your child what happens when punctuation takes a vacation!

We will finish the last lesson in chapter 4 this week. The TEST is tentatively scheduled for Monday, 10/15. Students will be receiving a study guide for the test, and should focus on reviewing the textbook pages, workbook pages & notes to prepare for the test.
Science - What are Some Life Cycles of Plants?


Time to start chapter 3 - "Using Addition and Subtraction for Algebra". We will begin by studying 3 properties of addition and subtraction - the associative, commutative & identity properties. Then, we will move on to the study of writing expressions and equations.A QUIZ on lessons 1-3 of this chapter has been tentatively scheduled for Friday, 10/12.
Don't forget...
10/8 - No School - Columbus Day
10/12 - PV Movie Night - Permission slips are due by 10/10
10/18/12 - Mark your calendar for the PV Book Fair from 6:30-8:00. Classrooms will not be open, but you can support your PTO by attending the fair!
Enjoy the long weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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