Highlights for the Week of 9/10/2012 - 9/14/2012 in Mrs. Bell's Classroom!
Spelling - Words Often Misspelled #2
This week's list will consist of a second list of words that are often misspelled by fourth grade students. Students will be taking a pretest consisting of 20 words on Monday. Homework will be collected on Friday, and the final test for the week (20 words) will be given on Friday.
This week we will focus on the elements of story structure while reading
a story called Akiak, by Robert Blake. Akiak is about a famous Iditarod
race that takes place in the Alaskan silderness. We will use a story
map to examine how a problem and its solution affect the story's plot
and characters. Students will also work on sharpening their summarizing
skills while writing a "diary from the point of view of the story's
hero, Akiak the dog. We will also be working with the following
vocabulary words: blizzard, checkpoint, courageous, experienced, musher,
and rugged. Your child may review these words with an e-game at
We will continue our study of sentences by taking a look at the "command" and "exclamation". On Friday, students will independently complete a graded review of lessons 1-3. Finally, students will need a 4X6 photo of themselves for a project on Monday, 9/17. Please send a photo that does not need to be returned to you.
We will wrap up our focus on tools used for science, and safety in the lab, by taking a QUIZ on Monday, 9/10. Students will be allowed to use their notes for the quiz. The next topic we will cover is the Scientific Method.
We will be practicing some problem solving strategies early in the week. The strategies will include using a Venn diagram, making a chart and making a list. On Wednesday we will review in class to prepare for the chapter 1 TEST which is scheduled for 9/14.
We will be taking the second and last MAP test on Monday, 9/10. The test will be on reading. Please see that your child comes to school well rested & with a healthy breakfast that day.
The magazine drive will begin with the kickoff celebration on Tuesday, 9/11. An information packet will be sent home with your child that day.
If your child is interested in joining the band, please plan to attend the information meeting being held at PV on Monday, 9/10 at 7:00 p.m.
Enjoy your weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell
Spelling - Words Often Misspelled #2
This week's list will consist of a second list of words that are often misspelled by fourth grade students. Students will be taking a pretest consisting of 20 words on Monday. Homework will be collected on Friday, and the final test for the week (20 words) will be given on Friday.
Reading -Identifying the Elements of Story Structure / Summarizing

http://www.eduplace.com/kids/hmr06/gr4/gr4_th1_sel1.html.Click on the e-game tab to play the game.
English - What is a Sentence?

Social Studies - "We the People / Strength of Our Freedom"
Students will finish their study of the U.S. government with a peek at the branches of government, and the Constitution. We will then move on to the study of citizens' rights in the U.S.
Science - "Getting Ready for Science"

We will be practicing some problem solving strategies early in the week. The strategies will include using a Venn diagram, making a chart and making a list. On Wednesday we will review in class to prepare for the chapter 1 TEST which is scheduled for 9/14.
We will be taking the second and last MAP test on Monday, 9/10. The test will be on reading. Please see that your child comes to school well rested & with a healthy breakfast that day.
The magazine drive will begin with the kickoff celebration on Tuesday, 9/11. An information packet will be sent home with your child that day.
If your child is interested in joining the band, please plan to attend the information meeting being held at PV on Monday, 9/10 at 7:00 p.m.
Enjoy your weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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