Mrs. Bell's Homeroom
This week we will take a look at past tense verbs with helping verbs and irregular verbs.
Students will finish the Midwest Travel Poster project, which is due on Thursday, 3/3. They will also work on completing the midwest region portion of their large U.S. map in class. We will be reading a TFK that focuses on the changing government in Egypt.
The week will begin with a look at solubility, and comparing solubility in different substances. We will begin our electricity unit the week of 3/8.
Mrs. Bell's Reading Class
There will be no spelling lesson this week due to ISAT testing.
Students will begin the week by taking the final TEST for the novel, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. They will be taking the reading ISAT tests on Tuesday-Thursday.
On Monday, we will review the characteristics of solid figures. Students will be taking the ISAT tests for math on Tuesday-Thursday. PLEASE ask your child if he/she has a working calculator at school. They will be allowed to use calculators for the tests.
3/1 - Report Cards
3/4 - No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences
3/7 - No School - Casimir Pulaski Day
ISAT testing will take place on March 1 - 3. Students have been working very hard all
year to prepare for the tests. Please make sure that your child gets a good night's sleep and eats breakfast before coming to school. He/she should also have a water bottle & a working calculator at school.

I look forward to meeting with parents during conferences during the week of 2/28.
Mrs. Karen Bell