Spelling - Long and short "a" and "e"
The final test for spelling this week will be on Friday, 9/17. This is the first week that we will be using the spelling words from our reading series. Students who score a 90% or above on Monday's pretest will have the opportunity to do challenge work via the contracts that we have used for our first two lesosns. Workbook pages and contract work will also be collected on 9/17.

English - The Sentence
Subjects and predicates is the next topic in our english unit, and that means that Mr. Morton will be coming to town! Ask your child to sing one of my favorite Schoolhouse Rock songs for you this week. In addition to singing about subjects & predicates, we will be learning the difference between complete and simple subjects and predicates.

We've moved on to lesson 3 which focuses on our rights and duties as citizens. Students will continue to practice their skimming and scanning skills while taking notes for the lesson.
ence-The Scientific Method

Students will be taking a QUIZ on Tuesday, 9/14, that reviews what we have studied about scientific tools and lab safety. Then, we will be move on to the Scientific Method.
This week, we will read a story called Akiak that is written by Robert Blake. Akiak is about a world-famous Iditarod Race that takes place in the Alaskan wilderness. While we are reading, we will focus on story structure. We will use a story map to look at how a problem and its solution affect the story’s plot and characters. The children will also be working with the following vocabulary: blizzard, checkpoint, courageous, experienced, musher, and rugged. You may want to have your child review these key words with the e-game at http://www.eduplace.com/kids/hmr06/gr4/gr4_th1_sel1.html.
The chapter 1 TEST is scheduled for Tuesday, 9/14. We will be reviewing on Monday to prepare for the test. As we move on to chapter two, the first topics will be understanding relationships between inverse operations, and rounding numbers through the millions.
The magazine drive will begin with the kickoff celebration on Monday, 9/13. Look for an information packet to be sent home with your child that day.
Happy Weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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