elling - Short "u" / "yoo" / "oo"
The final test for this lesson will be on Friday, 10/8. Workbook pages, the print/cursive sheet, and contract work will also be collected that day.

The final test for this lesson will be on Friday, 10/8. Workbook pages, the print/cursive sheet, and contract work will also be collected that day.
English - Capitalization & Punctuation

Social Studies - The Beautiful Northeast
We will finish our study of the scenery and natural formations of Northeast regions by reviewing chapter 4, lesson 1.
Science - How are Animals Classified?
CONGRATULATIONS to Kurt, who came in first in our classroom's Worm Races. I was so pleased to see the creativity and effort that the children put into building their tracks. Click on this link to read a story about our fourth grade worm unit in the local Tribune:
Our next unit of study in science will cover how animals are classified (chapter 1 / lesson 3). We will be taking a look at the differences between vertebrates and invertebrates. Look for a QUIZ on this lesson to take place the week of 10/11.
Next week our story is "Finding the Titanic" by Robert D. Ballard. The reading skill that we'll focus on is text organization. Many non-fiction authors organize their selections in time order, as is done in this story. They also use features such as headings, pictures, captions and charts to help the reader better understand the information.
We will begin chapter 3 with a look at the properties of addition. That will be followed by our first exposure to addition expressions and equations.Have a relaxing weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell