elling - Commonly Misspelled Words
Spelling procedures will be introduced to students on Monday. Watch for the "All About Spelling" sheet to come home. Our first spelling list will contain 20 commonly misspelled words. Student will take a pretest on Monday, and receive the list of words. Students will also be given a contract from which they will choose three homework activities to complete for the list of words. Homework will be due on Friday, 9/3. There will also be a final test for the lesson on 9/3.

Spelling procedures will be introduced to students on Monday. Watch for the "All About Spelling" sheet to come home. Our first spelling list will contain 20 commonly misspelled words. Student will take a pretest on Monday, and receive the list of words. Students will also be given a contract from which they will choose three homework activities to complete for the list of words. Homework will be due on Friday, 9/3. There will also be a final test for the lesson on 9/3.
This week in reading the students will review and practice their reading strategies as they read the story The Pumpkin Runner by Marsha Diane Arnold. The reading strategies that we will focus on are: preview/infer, phonics/decoding, question, monitor/clarify, summarize, and evaluate.
English - The Sentence
Our first unit in English focuses on sentences. This week we will look at different types of sentences, specifically, the statement and the question. We will also take a look at how to write a friendly letter, and write one of our own!
Students became familiar with the Social Studies text by participating in an information scavenger hunt. We will be moving on to Chapter 2, which focuses on the structure and functions of the government of the United States.
An introduction to scientific tools is on our schedule this week. Students will have a chance to use a variety of tools in the classroom, and to learn the purpose of each of the tools.
Math - Mrs. Bell's Math Class

Mark your calendar for 4th grade curriculum night on Tuesday, September 7th from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. I look forward to seeing you there!
All 4th and 5th grade students have the opportunity to sign up for Intramural games. This is a "free" after school program that allows your child to stay active. Permission slips will be sent out next week. Please return them to Mrs. Cushing by Friday, September 3rd.
Mrs. Karen Bell
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