The final test for this lesson will be on Friday, 2/26. "Words to Know" are tried-weird. Workbook pages and Master 21B are due on 2/25, and menu work will be collected on 2/26.
Reading - ISAT Preparation
This will be our last week of ISAT preparation. Students will be simulating the tests by reading passages and answering multiple choice questions. We will also be writing extended responses as a group and independently.
The DEADLINE for this trimester is Friday, 2/26. In order to reach their goals, students must read the number of books that they set in their contracts, write a "Getting to the Core of the Book" report for EACH of those books, and give one book talk. I am hoping that 100% of the students will reach their reading goal.
English - Expository Writing
We will finish typing the "If I were President" essays. Students will also practice writing an essay in a timed situation that simulates what will take place during ISAT testing. We have been working hard to perfect our writing by using organizers and symbols developed by the PV teachers. Ask your child what the symbols on their organizers represent!
The British are Coming! Paul Revere's famous ride will be our focus this week. Students will also write and type their Patriot/Loyalist paragraphs for the Boston Tea Part and the Intolerable Acts.
Science - Weather and the Water Cycle
We will take a look at weather patterns and fronts, and finish lesson 3 of chapter 11.
In preparation for ISAT testing, we will review the topics of elapsed time and customary measurement. We will also revisit everyone's favorite...the famous "T-Chart". Students will work on problem solving and being able to effective explain the process by which they solved the problem by writing a paragraph.
From the PV Office...
Thursday, February 25, 2010 is Spring Picture Day - Look before you buy. Send no money now - see your portraits first. Your finished portrait package will be sent home for your review. Simply return any un-used portrait sheets with your payment. All students will be photographed. Please notify your student's teacher if you do not want an individual portrait taken of your child. Additional flyers will be sent home with your child on Tuesday, February 23, 2010. Please check their backpacks.

Mrs. Karen Bell
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