Spelling - No lesson this week due to Iowa testing!
Reading - Clarify

"Bite into a Good Book" - Independent Reading Program

English - Adjectives
We have "unpacked" our adjectives, and are moving ahead full steam! This week's focus will include articles & demonstratives, comparing with adjectives, comparing with good & bad, and using proper adjectives.Social Studies - The French & Indian War
We will begin lesson 3 of chapter 7 this week, which covers the French & Indian War.
Science - Energy & Ecosystems
The TEST for chapter 6 is scheduled for Wednesday, 1/13. We will review for the test on Monday. Students should study their notes, open note assessments, vocabulary, and the text to prepare for this test.
Circles...it's finally time for Pi! Students will study the origination and significance of Pi, how to find circumference and area of circles. The chapter 7 TEST is tentatively scheduled for the week of 1/18.
a testing in Fifth grade will be Monday-Thursday the week of 1/11. I hope that all of my students will be well rested for these important assessments. Every student should have a silent reading book at school, especially now that we're beginning standardized testing. Please ask your child the title of the book that he/she has at school!

We will be starting the "Too Good for Drugs" (TGFD) program, sponsored by the DuPage County Sheriff's department. Students will have a weekly session with Officer David Kovotsky during which they will discuss adolescent issues such as making good choices, peer pressure, and substance abuse. This programs is part of our science curriculum, and students will earn a participation grade by completing assignments and for appropriate behavior.
Stay warm!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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