Spelling - Lesson 2 - The Suffix "-able"

Reading - Predicting Outcomes
We will be working in small groups this week to hone our predicting skills, using the story Falling Off a Log. Students will use details from the story and their background knowledge to make valid guesses about what will happen to the characters in the story. On Thursday, they will independently complete an assessment in which they will read a story and make predictions.
"Bite into a Good Book" - Independent Reading Program
"Bite into a Good Book" - Independent Reading Program
Students should ALWAYS have a silent reading book at school!
English - The Sentence

In this week's lessons, we will take a look at the confrontation between the Aztecs and the explorers who invade their land. Students will also study the art and purpose of the ancient Aztec mask, and create one of their own.
Science - Getting Ready for Science

We will complete our study of the tools used by scientists early in the week. There will be a QUIZ on science tools on Thursday, 9/10.
Order of operations, mental math and finding patterns are the topics that we will discuss this week.
* I enjoyed seeing many of you at Curriculum Night. Just a reminder that the 5th grade policy sheets need to be signed and returned to school. Please do not ever hesitate to contact me if you every have any questions or concerns about your child at school.
* A hand sanitizer dispenser has been installed in our classroom. Students are aware of the appropriate times to use the sanitizer, and that only one "squirt" is necessary to clean one's hands.
* The kickoff for our district fundraiser, the Magazine Drive, will be on Friday, 9/11. Look for information about this activity to come with your child that day.
Enjoy your holiday weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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