Highlights for the Week of 6/1/09 - 6/5/09 in Mrs. Bell's Classroom
Mrs. Bell's Reading Class
Spelling - Lesson 32 - "More Prefix Forms"
We will have a lesson in spelling this week, but there will be no test. Students will study various prefixes, and their meanings. Daily work will be due on 6/2.

"Bite into a Good Book" - Independent Reading Program

English - Prepositions
We will dabble in prepositions this week. Students will be introduced to prepositions and perpositional pharases.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class

We will begin the week with an enrichment activity that focuses on simple interest. Students will retake the Inventory of Skills test that they were given the first week of school. It should be interesting to see the results!
Mrs. Bell's Homeroom
Social Studies
We are moving out of the textbook and on to a TFK that focuses on the involvement of the U.S. in Afghanistan.
Ask your child about the Great Mail Race activity that our class is participating in!

Thank you to all of the parent volunteers who have been so helpful to our class this year. I truly appreciate the efforts of our copy moms, field trip chaperones, and all of you who have given so generously of your time & talents!
The LAST DAY OF SCHOOL is Friday, June 5th. Students will be dismissed at 9:30.
Mrs. Karen Bell
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