Mrs. Bell's Reading Class
Spelling - Lesson 31 - The prefix "ex"
The final test this week will be on THURSDAY, 5/28. Daily work will also be due that day. Words to Know this week are your-you're.
Reading - "The Fab Four from Liverpool"
We will be doing a study of a short nonfiction piece that chronicles the early beginnings of the Beatles. Students will be introduced to vocabulary, and view news clips reporting the Beatles popularity and their first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show. We will then focus on the theme of the text which focuses on the writing relationship between John Lennon & Paul McCartney. I will be very curious to see how many students know who this very famous musical group is!
"Bite into a Good Book" - Independent Reading Program
We have completed the program for the year. Students who have reached their goal will be invited to a reading celebration scheduled for the week of 6/1.
English - Adverbs
We will complete our study of adverbs with a look at the use of negatives. There will be a QUIZ over adverbs on Thursday, 5/28.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class
Due to our Robert Crown & bowling field trips, we will only have two days of math this week. Students will take the Chapter 8 TEST on Tuesday, 5/26. On Thursday, the tests will be returned, and we will have our traditional post-test "fun" day. During the week of 6/1, we will have an extension activity that will introduce students to simple interest and principal, which builds on the concept of percent that we just completed.
Mrs. Bell's Homeroom
Science - Energy & Ecosystems
We will be taking notes on lesson 3 of Chapter 6 which focuses on how people affect ecosystems. Students will take the OPEN NOTE ASSESSMENT for this lesson on Friday, 5/29.
The fifth grade field trip to Robert Crown is Wednesday, 5/27. Students MUST bring a sack lunch to school that day.
Mrs. Karen Bell