Highlights for the Week of 4/20/09-4/24/09 in Mrs. Bell's Classroom
Mrs. Bell's Reading Class
Spelling - Lesson 26 - "Review"
This week's lesson is a review of lessons 19-25. Students should focus on practicing each lesson's spelling rule to prepare for the final test on THURSDAY, 4/23. The final test will be the proofreading format that we have used in the past for review lessons. There are no "Words to Know", or vocabulary words this week.
Reading - The Kid in the Red Jacket

(from www.google.com)
"Bite into a Good Book" - Independent Reading Program
Students must ALWAYS have a silent reading book with them at school!
English - Verbs
Students will be completing a project related to the three verb tenses titled, "Tomorrow, Today will be Yesterday".
Mrs. Bell's Math Class
Our study of data organization continues this week. On Monday, we will have the midchapter QUIZ for Chapter 6. We will then take a look at bar graphs, frequency tables, histograms, ordered pairs, and line graphs.
Mrs. Bell's Homeroom Class
We will be finishing chapter 10 and preparing for the TEST that is scheduled for Thursday, 4/23. Students will be able to earn 3 bonus points on their tests if they can write the words to the Preamble.
Science - Energy & Ecosystems
On Tuesday, 4/21, students will be taking the open book/note ASSESSMENT for chapter 5, lesson 2. We will spend the rest of the week reviewing for the chapter 5 TEST which is tentatively scheduled for the following Monday, 4/27.
We have early dismissal on Friday, 4/24. Students will be dismissed at 11:00.
It was a pleasure to see so many parents and siblings at Open House! Thank you for visiting our room.

(from www.google.com)
Enjoy your weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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