Mrs. Bell's Reading Class
Spelling - Lesson 28 - "Greek Combining Forms"
The final test for this lesson will be on Friday, 5/8. "Words to Know" are tonight-two & the vocaublary word this week will be lethargic. Checklist work is due on Friday, 5/8.
Reading - The Kid in the Red Jacket

(from www.google.com)
"Bite into a Good Book" - Independent Reading Program
Students should ALWAYS have a silent reading book with them at school!
English - Verbs
Irregular verbs and phrases with have will be our focus in english this week. The verbs test will take place the week of 5/11.

The TEST on chapter 6 will be on Monday, 5/4. Our next unit in math will be the study of ration, proportion and percent, chapter 8
Mrs. Bell's Homeroom

The accomplishments of Thomas Jefferson will be our focus this week. We will study the Louisiana Purchase, and how it changed the face of America. The exploration of Lewis & Clark is another topic that will be covered.
Science - Ecosystems & Change

We will finish our owl pellet dissection on Monday, and have a QUIZ over that unit on Tuesday, 5/5. Later in the week, we will being chapter 6 with a look at how animals adapt to their environment in order to survive.
With the health concerns in our community at this time, we have had discussions in class about good hygiene. Students have been reminded to cover mouths and noses when sneezing or coughing, and to keep their hands clean. Thank you to parents who have sent in hand sanitizers to help our cause!
Mrs. Karen Bell