Reading Class
Due to the short week, we will not have a spelling lesson.
Reading - China

English - Verbs & "Me Front Page" project

Back to fractions this week! Students will learn how to multiply and divide fractions and mixed numbers, and how to apply our knowledge of fraction operations to algebraic equations. The midchapter QUIZ for chapter 5 is TENTATIVELY scheduled for Thursday, 3/12.
Homeroom Class
Social Studies
We have finished chapter 8, and the TEST has been scheduled for Tuesday, 3/10. We prepare for the test on Monday. Our next chapter is titled, "Declaring Independence". During this chapter, students will study the Declaration of Independence and the continuation of the Revolutionary War.

We have completed our unit on Earth Science and will move on to Life Science with the study of Energy & Ecosystems in Chapter 5. We will begin with a look at how plants produce food.
We have completed ISAT testing. Thank you for sending your children to school well rested and with a good breakfast. They worked very hard this week!
Don't forget that we have early dismissal (11:00) on Thursday, 3/12, and that there is NO SCHOOL on Friday, 3/13.
We look forward to meeting with parents who requested conferences next week.
Miss Cronin's last day is Thursday, 3/12. We will miss having her with us & hope that she will visit us in the coming months!
Enjoy the long weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell & Miss Allison Cronin
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