Mrs Bell's Reading Class
Spelling - Lesson 13 - Negative Prefixes
The final test for this week's lesson will be on Thursday, 12/4. "Words to Know" are happened - heard, and the vocabulary word for the week is eloquent. Menu work will be due on 12/5.Reading - Making Inferences
Our focus in reading this week will be preparing for the extended response writing for the ISAT tests. First, we will practice identifying and writing the key idea when responding to a writing prompt. Then, students will learn about and practice how to find evidence to support their key idea and how to interpret and extend that evidence. The interpretation of the evidence is an extension of the reading skill that we have been studying, which is inferring or drawing conclusions. We will use the story of the Three Little Pigs to practice these skills together.
"Bite into a Good Book" Independent Reading Program
We have set goals for the second trimester. Students must ALWAYS have a silent reading book with them at school.
English - Nouns
We will be finishing the unit on nouns at the beginning of the week with a look at using exact nouns, and a review of all that we have studied. The TEST on the nouns unit will be on Thursday, December 4th.
I look forward to meeting with parents of my reading students this week!
s. Bell's Math Class
We will study geometric patterns, congruency and transformations this week. The second QUIZ for chapter 7 will be on Tuesday, 12/3.
Mrs. Bell's Homeroom Class
Social Studies
We will be studying lesson 4 of chapter 6 this week. We will be taking notes and reviewing the lesson. The chapter 6 TEST is tentatively scheduled for the week of 12/8. Students will also be working on a TFK that focuses on bullying. There will be a QUIZ on the TFK on 12/2. Science - Earth's Oceans

On Monday, we will investigate how salinity affects the temperature of water. We will also be taking a look at the properties of the ocean.

Permission slips and the fee for the holiday movie, "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" are due on or before Friday, 12/12.
No school on Friday, December 5th.
Have a relaxing weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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