We will have a special holiday word list. There will be no "Words to Know" or “menu” work this week.
ENGLISH - Unit 2 - Nouns
The TEST for Unit 2, Nouns, will be on Tuesday, 12/18.
ISAT practice will continue with a look at fact & opinion, graphs & charts, and analyzing instructions. Students will have a "mastery" TEST on the topics that have been covered in this unit on Thursday, 12/20.

“Bite into a Good Book” Program
Students must ALWAYS have a silent reading book with them at school!

Chapter 8 begins with a look at the colonists' reaction to unfair taxation by the British. Students will be able to experience this feeling firsthand when we have our "King's Gold" activity on Thursday.

A look at tangrams will conclude our study of plane geometry on Monday. We will finish out the week by completing a holiday math packet.
Please be sure that your student is dressed appropriately for the weather when he/she comes to school. The children do go outside for recess throughout the winter and must be prepared for snow and cold!
On Monday, 12/17, the Cadet Band and choir will be performing on Friday at 1:15 in the gym. You are invited to attend!
Don't forget...
The BOWLING field trip will be the morning of 12/20.
The "all school" trip to the private showing of POLAR EXPRESS will be on Friday, 12/21. Students must bring a SACK LUNCH on that day!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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