HIGHLIGHTS FOR THE WEEK OF 11/19/07 - 11/23/07
Next week, due to the Thanksgiving holiday, we will have only two days of school. For this reason, our schedule will be modified as follows...
No lesson this week!
No lesson this week!
Final copies of India project will be completed in school on Monday, 11/19. Students should be collecting clip art for decorating their project. This will count as the test grade for this unit.
“Bite into a Good Book” Program
We will be signing reading goal contracts for the second trimester, and planning our reading celebration for those that met their goals for first trimester.
We will be signing reading goal contracts for the second trimester, and planning our reading celebration for those that met their goals for first trimester.
The Chapter 6 TEST is scheduled for Monday, November 19th. We reviewed on Friday by playing Jeopardy. 
"Controlling a Plane" is the topic for the week.

"Controlling a Plane" is the topic for the week.
MATH - Mrs. Bell's Class
We will be doing problem solving and writing "T-Charts" in preparation for ISAT tests in the Spring.
FROM THE OFFICE...YEARBOOK ORDERING: Now’s the time to place your orders. Yearbooks are $9.00 and the deadline for your orders is Monday, December 3, 2007. No orders will be accepted after that date. Please make checks payable to Lifetouch. Please make sure your student’s name, teacher’s name and grade level are marked on the order form. Yearbook order forms went home with your child on November 15th and there a few extra envelopes available; please try not to lose them. If your child loses it, you can send an envelope with the following information on it: student’s name, teacher’s name and grade level along with a check made payable to Lifetouch for $9.00. It is very important that you put the information on the envelope; Lifetouch does not know who your child’s teacher is.
Holiday service project
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